Interview with Freenote Cloth

Freenote Cloth has been featured in the shop for the past 5 years. The brand creates quality menswear manufactured with quality materials in the USA. The inspiration comes from authentic American culture and its timeless icons. Freenote takes as much pride in the design of the product as they do in selecting the very best ingredients. Each input is hand selected for quality and durability. All product is cut, sewn, and finished in California. We have interviewed brothers, Andrew and Matt Brodrick, to give you an exclusive insight on the brand and it's awesome owners.

When did you realize that you wanted to start your own denim company?

After working for 10 years in the surf, skate, and snow world, my brother and I felt it was time to do our own thing. It was there where we learned about clothing design, manufacturing, and everything in between. I would have to say it was a gradual realization that became reality the first day we went to our manufacturer in Los Angeles.

What is behind the name 'Freenote'?

We spent months or maybe even years trying to come up with a name that was easy to say and felt like it meant something.  We created a combination of the words and came up with Freenote. It reminded us of Blue Note record label from Detroit. The name was just a starting point and it was up to us to further define it.

What is your favorite piece that Freenote has produced? and why?

It’s really hard to pick. Personally, I like mixing up what I am wearing from day to day. However, if I had to wear the same pair of jeans every day, the Wilkes would be my fit.

Where do you make and source your materials? and why is that important to you? 

We spend an endless amount of time sourcing the very best textiles in the world. The goal is to find the finest materials manufactured. The idea for our product is that you are paying for the ingredients. We pay an equal amount of attention to the design as the inputs.

When did you two realize that you had a passion for this industry?

The first time I saw a roll of selvedge denim it triggered my passion. I recall having a ton of questions on what, where, and why. From then on, it became an obsession.

What is your go-to outfit?

Denim on denim. When executed properly it can look dynamite.

What is the biggest change that you have seen in the fashion industry in the past 10 years?

I would say that with the internet and online shopping the consumer has access to endless amounts of styles. In some ways it has also lead to a less distinct style by region. It is also pretty cool that anything goes in terms of denim fits. It is all about how you wear it.

What is your favorite song and music genre?

Depends on when you catch me. I generally listen to classic rock and blues. My day can range from Waylon to Little Walter and end with Pavement.

Come in the store to check out this brand that we love so much for yourself! 

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