New Brand Alert : About Farm Rio



With over 20 years of history, FARM Rio is Brazil’s most beloved clothing and lifestyle brand. The story began in 1997 in Rio at a local independent fashion market called Babilonia Feira Hype where founders Katia Barros and Marcello Bastos took their chances on launching a clothing line that embodies the feminine spirit and vibrant colors of Rio. 
Brazilians quickly fell in love with the brand, the booth became a store, that grew into more stores, and now FARM is Brazil’s most recognized brand.
Their cheerful creations are crafted with an exotic, toes-in-the-sand spirit that’s simultaneously fashion-forward and vintage-inspired.

One Purchase = One Tree Planted

FARM Rio believes it is part of their duty help protect nature, to give back to the environment and to help recover endangered forest ecosystems like those in the Amazon rainforest, the largest Brazilian biome and their home. For each purchase on their website, and at authorized retailers, a tree is donated to be planted in the Amazon rainforest. 
Come in to shop our picks from this wonderful brand that we are now proud to have in Artisan de Luxe. 
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